OpenSHORE Screenshots

Here are some screenshots of SHORE version 2.0.0 Alpha 2 and 1.1.1 in use. The Open-Source version 2.0 runs on Linux and Windows NT/W2K/XP. Version 1.1.1 is the last "sd&m version", which uses the commercial object database ObjectStore and runs only on Windows. The 2.0 Alpha versions do (still) not support Prolog queries.

SHORE with Java source code

Some basic hypertext navigation in Java source code from the SHORE Java parser. All bright blue and red colored names are hyperlinks. They are resolved dynamically by the SHORE server with database queries.

Blue links follows relations. Red links (SHORE objects) shows up all incoming and outgoing relations of these objects inside the bottom frame.

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The common document header provides navigation into the used meta model (document type marked) or a list of all defined objects inside the document with their relations.
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SHORE with Java and Eclipse Plug-In
A central SHORE server in combination with a local installed integrated development environment (IDE) gives developers his known local workspace extended by a project wide view on the project documents, which covers more then one programing language and implementation documents. Project teams can link document with requirements, specifications and test case description with the code base into SHORE and provides access to them inside the IDE. IDE's are a good integration point and user interface for other team tools. So the OpenSHORE Eclipse Java Plug-In provides navigation from Java elements inside Eclipse into SHORE hypertext.
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SHORE with OpenOffice Documents
You can export OpenOffice 1.1 text documents with a installed XSLT based filter and import them directly into a SHORE server. This is very usefull to link documents from different stages of a software project (like specification with implementation documents).
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You can use the XSLT example to learn how to transfrom documents into the SHORE XML format. The example contains a minimalistic meta model, a XSLT stylesheet to transform these documents itsel and some example files. The example allows navigation over call, include and import relations.
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SHORE with Cobol source code
Because SHORE has a free definable meta model, SHORE can provide navigation trough any documents which are transformed by a parser to the common SHORE XML format.
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SHORE with Smalltalk source code
In dynamic languages (without static typing) a SHORE parser can't locate a call target by static analysis. But SHORE can provide indirect navigation by a helper object. The OpenSHORE Smalltalk parser (self not written in Smalltalk) uses as such a helper a pseudo object type called SmalltalkProtocol (often called interface signature in other languages). Objects of this type are always undefined and SHORE displays instead all its relations (implementations and calls).
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SHORE can interconnect design information with implementation artefacts by integration of parts of the UML meta model.
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Modern XML technologies (like SVG) allows navigation on UML diagrams.
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SHORE queries in Prolog
SHORE's query language is XSB Prolog. Complex queries like finding cyclic package usages in Java can be formulated in only a few lines. The Prolog source text (java.P) to calculate the shown results is less then 100 lines long.
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SHORE GraphTool
Query results can also visulized as graphs with a SHORE applet plug-in called GraphTool. As the normal hypertext query output you can click on nodes to navigate into your documents. The shown graph is a call graph with a limited depth of three. The query follows also all implementation relations and so doesn't stop at interfaces. You can find the Prolog source for this query inside path.P.
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Created: 2003-02-15
Last modified: 2004-07-26